Focus on Local Research

Network for Local Research: Countries from Group B does not follow the Nagoya Protocol or are parties that do not establish procedures or relevant institutions. Thus, there are difficulties in collecting samples and taking them out of the country; however, local research is available since the local research foundation is well-established. INID-K aims to utilize local research infrastructure by checking compliance with domestic (Korean) R&D standards and regulations. Especially, the goal is to collect additional genetic information of the resources secured.


Thailand – Chiang Mai University (CMU)

  • The long legacy of CMU, one of the largest schools of medicine in Northern Thailand, dates back to 1964.
  • It was the first advanced educational institution founded in the northern part of Thailand and first local university to be established outside of Bangkok, its capital, with strength particularly in the study of medicine.
  • Given its location and climate, it is systematically well-equipped for epidemiology studies and has competitive edge in the study of infectious diseases. This helps to secure quality human resources and facilitates the exchange of information on infectious diseases.
  • Due to its relatively advanced economy, the study of medicine in Thailand is also more advanced than that of its neighboring countries on the Indochinese Peninsula.
  • Located at the center of Indochinese Peninsula, Thailand has many advantages as local research center as it is geographically located at the center of many countries including Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia.
  • Operates collaborative research network for infectious diseases with organizations in Myanmar, Laos, and Indonesia.
  • Thailand, which is geographically located at the center of the Indochinese Peninsula, experiences relatively diverse outbreaks of infectious diseases than surrounding countries.

Saudi Arabia – King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC)

  • King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) is an affiliated organization of Ministry of National Guard – Health Affairs.
  • It is an international research institute that conducts various clinical studies in biomedical fields.
  • It also conducts research on the coronavirus from the Middle East region.

Costa Rica (Universidad de Costa Rica, UCR)

  • Established in 1940, Universidad de Costa Rica conducts international collaboration and researches with many universities and institutions around the world.
  • In particular, Costa Rica is an endemic region of the Arbo viruses such as Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya.
  • It has a research base in the central Pacific region of Costa Rica and is currently developing a clinical platform for the management of patients while doing research on meditated diseases and various infectious diseases.