Focus on Sample Collection and Local Research

Network for Sample Collection & Local Research: Countries from Group C follow the Nagoya Protocol; therefore, samples can be collected and taken out of the country, too. The local research foundation is well established, so the various researches are actively underway. INID-K aims to support international collaborative research, expansion of local research, colleting samples, and utilizing local research infrastructure


Malaysia - University of Malaya (UM, Tropical Infectious Disease Research & Education Center)

  • University of Malaya established Tropical Infectious Diseases Research and Education Centre (TIDREC) to conduct collaborative research with various international institutes and organization in education and research on infectious diseases actively.
  • Since 1982, it has been designated as the World Health Organization (WHO) research cooperation center for various infectious diseases such as dengue, arbovirus, tick-mediated encephalitis, nippa, paramixo, and other tropical diseases.
  • TIDREC can collect clinical samples such as dengue and chikungunya. With its technology and facilities, it is possible to conduct test for prototype. This laboratory can mediate local testing of domestic (Korean) companies.

Vietnam - National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)

  • Hanoi Pasteur Institute founded in 1926 evolves to become National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) under the Ministry of Health in 1983.
  • NIHE actively participates in international cooperation and reports to CDC on which potential influenza will be common each year.
  • Its major research fields include Epidemiology, Clinical Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Biology, and it is conducting research to develop vaccines for Japanese Encephalitis, Hepatitis Type B, and Cholera.
  • It conducts infectious disease surveillance operations across Vietnam and collects clinical samples in the process. In the prior study, dengue and rickettsia serum were imported from NIHE and provided to domestic diagnostic equipment companies and researchers, and samples for more diverse diseases will be collected.
  • This institution analyzes the characteristics of viral infectious disease causative agents in Vietnam and has various viral pathogens, serum, and clinical samples.

Peru (Instituto De Investigacion Nutricional, IIN)

  • Instituto De Investigacion Nutricional, Nutrition Research Institute in Peru, was established in 1971 and aims to improve the quality of life for the vulnerable social group in Peru and around the world.
  • It conducts research, education, and training in the health and nutrition sectors and provides related services. In particular, it is cooperating with Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Alpicades(UPC) which is one of Peru’s top two research institutes. IIN-UPC research center conducts various studies on respiratory viruses and acute febrile diseases. As it is certified by National Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health in Peru, and it is in charge of detecting and monitoring influenza H1N1 and SARS CoV-2 viruses. Therefore, it seems possible to collect and utilize various samples. The principal investigator of INID-K is Juana Del Valle Mendoza, who is one of the researcher of IIN in Peru.

Chile (Universidad Austral de Chile, UACh)

  • Since its establishment in 1954, Universidad Austral de Chile has been cooperating with other Latin American countries, major hospitals in the southern U.S., and diverse institutions in Germany and Australia.
  • Due to the regional characteristics, there are no mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, West Nile, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever, and Zika, but it continues to study South American pathogens such as Hanta virus (1995) which was first discovered in Chile.
  • Both South American pathogens and COVID-19 samples will be able to be imported through this institution.